
Paddle Loch Ness (4 hours)

  •  02/04/2017
     1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Meeting at Dochgarroch Locks, we issue a suitably sized personal buoyancy aid and paddle to everyone. After a short safety briefing, we launch onto the Caledonian Canal and head off on a mini adventure. Paddling across Loch Dochfour exploring on route towards Loch Ness. Once on Loch Ness we offer the group an opportunity to land on Lochend beach or by Aldourie Castle to stretch their legs and have a tea break. Here you can sit back and enjoy the stunning view looking down Loch Ness, with a little local history, plenty opportunities to look for Nessie and take photos.

We supply:

  • a tandem sit on top kayak with deluxe seat pads
  • a personal buoyancy aid (PFD) and a  suitable sized kayak paddle
  • a 60 litre dry bag per kayak for spare clothes
  • approx three hours on the water guided/coached adventure
  • tea/coffee/hot chocolate and biscuits/cake at tea break
  • copies of photos taken by your guide during the trip

What you need to bring: When paddling, you should expect to be splashed a little from boat spray and drips from the paddle. The weather can also change rapidly out on the lochs so its best to be prepared for the worst. Please bring suitable outdoor clothing to keep you warm for the four hour trip. We recommend bring along;

  • a waterproof jacket and trousers
  • fleece jumper base layer
  • a hat or cap to keep head warm
  • old footwear/trainers that you don’t mind getting wet/splashed
  • complete change of clothes for afterwards (or in case you take an accidental swim)
  • water or juice as you may get thirsty
  • any medication you may require

Group Size: Min 4 Adults, Max 8

Age: This trip is suitable for adults or families (minimum 6 year old)

Meeting Time: 12.45pm for 1.00pm

Meet Location: Dochgaroch Locks, Dochgarroch, by Inverness. IV3 8JG. Free parking and toilets available at Scottish Canals car park!

Finish Time: Approx 5.00pm

Distance: Approx. paddling distance 5 miles (8km)

Craft: Tandem sit on top kayaks or tandem open canoes are used as default depending on weather. Bespoke touring kayak or paddle board trips can also be arranged on request.

Weather: Should the weather (wind/waves) be unsuitable to paddle on Loch Ness on the day, we may have to make the decision to paddle on Loch Dochfour only and the Caledonian Canal instead.

Personal Belongings: Camera’s, phones, car keys and other personal belongings are taken out onto the water at your own risk. If in doubt, please leave these items in your own car when out on the water

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